Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Embassy appointment

Yesterday we had our Embassy appointment and so now the only thing that remains is to get Eyob's travel visa.

Quick update: Praise – the ticket issue has been resolved.

For anyone coming after us, we cannot recommend Ethiopia Guest House strongly enough. We have especially enjoyed the community meals. We have met so many families that have such amazing stories of how they have ended up in Ethiopia adopting a child or children. It has been such an encouragement to us. When one family is struggling with an issue other families come alongside and share words of encouragement or some advice from personal experience to help.

Eyob continues to do well with the transition with us. He is enjoying his brozzers and seester very much. We have found that when we go out anywhere he gets very quiet (which is very much out of character for him) and so we will be glad to get home to begin some sense of normalcy. Have to get ready for the day, more later...


Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

I'm so glad to hear he is doing well. Praying for a great flight home (you know, it's all relative!). I'm sure he will have fun meeting his other seezter SB!! Love you guys!

Amy said...

This post is from Sarah Beth:
Hi Gabriel. My Daddy and My Mommy, Joshie, Abby and Noah, I miss you and I love you. I am three. Aunt Amy, Maw Maw and Paw Paw and I are going on the airplane tomorrow.
From Amy now:
She has loved getting on the website each day and listening to "Mighty to Save". She will lay in my lap and just listen.
We can't to see you on Friday and to meet Gabriel!

Sherry said...

We're praising the Lord for your Embassy appt going well and for the resolved ticket! What a blessing that you have support of other families at your guest house. SO God to have led you there. Our kiddos would very quiet too whenever we drove somewhere in ET. So much that they are processing through in their little minds. We love you guys and can't wait to see you all on Friday!!! - The Semlows

Sanders Family said...

Dear Millers,
Ugh, ugh, ugh....I just posted and ugh..it dumped me and I lost my note to you -Right now I am trying to figure out how to cope without any photos of your family. It is quite distressing. I tried to doodle a picture of what your family might look like and paste it on the computer, but it is just not cutting it for me!
Although Chad is very good with words and I'm sure taking care of your end, he's really not meeting OUR needs very well!! Remember our agreement Melissa? Oh well, I will just have to muddle through, somehow!
Seriously folks, our hope and prayer for you is that every little detail is coming together perfectly and that Eyob's little heart and head are healing rapidly. I'm sure his new family and his Savior are sweeping him off his feet and more than he could ever imagine! Missing you guys ever so much and praying for sweet Sarah Beth. Remember , whatever details you don't provide now will just have to be handed over when you get home!!
Love, love you

Butter bean kisses and sweet tea hugs,
The Sanders

Kimmie said...

Thank you for sharing about your guest house recommendation, that is totally a blessing to my husband and I! We have never been able to pick where we stay for adoption and with so many choices, it was overwhelming to me.

Can you email me and tell me more? About the Guest House? Wondering about food, cost, what would be helpful to bring for the accomadations? *our last trip in January we were told to bring toilet paper ;-)

thank you so much.

I am so happy for you..your new son is beautiful. And I love how he says sisters and brothers! (My dad was Hungarian and the way he said it was similar ;-) It brought a big smile to my face).

mama to 7
one homemade and 6 adopted